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If you are a veteran or serving CF member, or a person who supports veterans, own a motorcycle, are thinking about owning one or just want to be part of this active veteran/non veteran unit, and you like to support charitable events, as well as just enjoying a good outing with friends, you should consider becoming a member of the CVFR. Membership is also open to veterans and supporters of other countries who reside in Canada, and Canadain veterans who reside in other countries.
If you have never served in the Canadian Forces but wish to ride alongside and support those who have served, and those still serving, then you should consider becoming a supporting member of the CVFR. If you are interested please contact the Unit directly, the email addresses can be found on the unit page here
You can download the membership application here
Membership Requirements
Veteran Rider
- Any serving or former member of an organization deemed to come under the authority of Veterans Affairs Canada
for the purposes of pension and/or administration related to Federal or other Government service and who has completed a full year of service,
and has been honourably discharged, and who owns and rides a motorcycle
- Full membership with full voting rights in their respective unit.
- Must adhere to wearing of a black vest only.
- Wears "The CVFR Crest" on the back of the vest, and is awarded the Winged Wheel for proficiency in Riding
and Rules of the Road, by the membership of the respective unit. The Winged Wheel is worn on the front of the
vest, the tag indicating the member's unit location is worn on the front of the black vest, the Veteran patch may also
be authorized for a military veteran of a foreign country i.e. the USA and UK if a prospective member applies
regardless of where they reside,(this will be subject to the approval of the National executive
and on submission of the required proof of service). A Veteran-Rider must also possess an unrestricted
motorcycle operators license in the province in which they apply for this type of
membership. The Veteran status will be indicated by a Veteran patch worn on the vest,
- Wears the small patch with the "Veteran" to indicate veteran status, the patch is worn on the front of the vest
on the left side.
- A veteran or serving member, supporter or family member who doesn't own a motorcycle but wishes to
particpate by being a passenger or helping out at events or functions.
- Full membership with full voting rights in their respective unit.
- Must adhere to wearing of a black vest only.
- Wears "The CVFR Crest" on the back of the vest,
- Wears the small patch with the "Veteran" or "Supporter" to indicate veteran or supporter status, the patch is worn on the front of the vest
on the left side.
Veteran Supporter
- A member who has not served in the Canadian Forces but who fully supports the Canadian Forces members.
- Full membership with full voting rights in their respective unit.
- Must adhere to wearing of a black vest only.
- Wears "The CVFR Crest" on the back of the vest,
- Wears the small patch with the "Supporter" to indicate supporter status, the patch is worn on the front of the vest
on the left side.
Family Member
- A dependent of a fully paid member who is not of the legal age to obtain a motorcyle licence but who
wants to be involved with the CVFR will be classed as a family member, they shall only be liable for the initial cost of the patch
and additional tags, after that they will not be required to pay yearly dues to the CVFR but may be required to pay
individual unit dues, (Both dues have not been determined at this time).
- No voting rights in their respective unit.
- Must adhere to wearing of a black vest only.
- Wears "The CVFR Crest" on the back of the vest,
- Wears the small patch with the "Supporter" to indicate supporter status, the patch is worn on the front of the vest
on the left side.
Note for the wearing of all patches a picture is shown for clarity in the CVFR Dress Aide Memoire
available in the downloads section.
Membership Fee
- $90 for the initial year, this gives the member the main patch, unit tag, winged wheel, V or S, road name and also includes $10 for the National fund for any contingencies;
- $10 each subsequent year for National, units will determine their own
- Note: Additional postage fees may be added for those who reside outside of Canada
Joining Package
Initial Year
- The CVFR Crest and the appropriate veteran or supporter designation
- The CVFR Winged Wheel for Proven Riders
Note for the wearing of all patches a picture is shown for clarity in the CVFR Dress Aide Memoire available in the downloads section.